My keynote lecture is online
My keynote lecture for the Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging Summer School 2020 can now be watched here:

My keynote lecture for the Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging Summer School 2020 can now be watched here:
We just got a paper published in Brain where we applied neuroadaptive Bayesian optimization for the first time in a cohort of stroke patients. Read all about it here: Link to paper (open access)
I am currently looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work with me and Prof. Nik Weiskopf on real-time layer-fMRI at 7T at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig. Start date: 1st September 2020; 2 years of funding! If you have any questions, please get in touch! I am looking forward to hear from you!
All infos you can find here:
JobAd_May2020Rob’s and my former Master student Pedro in full action: wonderfully presents his thesis project “Elucidating Cognitive processes using LSTMs” at the Cognitive Computational Neuroscience Conference in Berlin!
I have organised and will chair the symposium Causal inference applied to cognitive neuroscience: from brain connectivity to neurocognition at the Annual Meeting of Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS). Speakers are: Michael W. Cole, Til Ole Bergmann, Arielle Tambini & Rosalyn Moran.
The symposium takes place on Sunday, the March 24 @ 1:30 – 3:30 pm in the Grand Ballroom A of theHyatt Regency San Francisco Hotel.
I have co-initiated a new interest group on cognitive computational neuroscience at the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig.
We consist of students, post-docs and group leaders from different departments and research groups across the whole institute. While we all have different backgrounds and areas of research, we are united in our endeavour to advance mechanistic discovery in cognitive neuroscience using computational tools.
Yesterday, I started my 4-year long Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship. I will be based at the University of Cambridge (UK), the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive & Brain Sciences (Germany) and Stanford University (US).
In June this year, CogX awarded my PhD thesis as an outstanding contribution in AI.
From 25th Sept until 25th October, I am a visiting researcher in Prof. BT Thomas Yeo’s Computational Brain Imaging Group in Singapore. With him, I will be working on new and more unbiased ways of mining the cognitive neuroimaging literature and how to evaluate existing top-down cognitive ontologies using neuroadaptive Bayesian optimization.
Super exciting stuff and I am very grateful for having this opportunity!
There is a long article in WIRED magazine this month describing my PhD work:
I love this part:
Minutes later, Lorenz shows me a graph of Violante’s activity across different brain networks for each of the tests. It looks like one of Mark Rothko’s colourful paintings.
…. sounds like I am also doing some serious art business on the side!